Shielding Design Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do you calculate patient workload?

    We base our calculations on the information provided on the intake form. Our intake form asks you to provide the maximum number of patients imaged on an average day. We use this number to calculate a conservative weekly patient workload that takes into account possible future demand, and helps to eliminate the need to add shielding in the future.

  2. How do I determine the wall and ceiling composition?

    The best way to determine wall and ceiling composition is by referring to the original as-built floorplans or construction plans. If the room has previously been used for imaging, and you suspect it contains lead shielding, core samples may also be obtained to determine the thickness of the lead. For questions about core samples, email

  3. What if I need a design revised?

    We base our calculations on the information provided on the intake form. If that information changes after the design is in process, then the design will need to be redone. In this case, we charge a revision fee to recalculate based on the updated information.

  4. What is a cross table image?

    A cross table image is an image taken horizontally, typically in a direction other than towards the bucky.

  5. How do you shield for wall outlets, heating vents, etc.?

    Details regarding these requirements are found in Appendix A of each shielding report.

  6. Which dimension should I provide when describing the thickness of a corrugated concrete slab?

    Please provide the minimum thickness of the concrete as illustrated below.


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